Pianos and A Torture Test

Today I played around with run­ning dif­fer­ent sounds through AriesVerb (as I often do). I was sur­prised how strong the mod­u­la­tion already is in the default pro­gram «Tem­ple of the Ances­tors». I played a—cough—free inter­pre­ta­tion of the Pas­toral sonata through AriesVerb.

Anoth­er notable sound I found func­tions like a tor­ture test for algo­rith­mic reverbs. It’s a machine gun! This sound can expose many a weak­ness, and make reverbs fail that sound flaw­less oth­er­wise. I designed a for­est-like envi­ron­ment for exact­ly this to sound good. This pre­set will be avail­able in the next update, as it makes use of some new algo­rith­mic features.

Posted in Allgemein

Demo available

There is now a demo avail­able of the lat­est ver­sion of AriesVerb.
The demo is ful­ly func­tion­al except for the abil­i­ty to recall settings.

Posted in Allgemein

AriesVerb 0.7.1 released

It has been a long jour­ney, and now AriesVerb advances to the next lev­el. The improve­ments are many, and the space on this page is too short to list them. If you have been enjoy­ing AriesVerb already, think of the new one as the old one, plus:

  • Graph­ic User Interface.
  • Per­for­mance optimization.
  • Mul­ti­tap mode (high density).
  • More mod­u­la­tion options.
  • Pre­set Library + Browser.

The full release notes explain­ing each of these items are avail­able on the prod­uct page.

Posted in Allgemein

Beta test successful — new product page online

I am proud to annouce the closed beta test for AriesVerb has com­plet­ed suc­cess­ful­ly. This was an impor­tant stage in the devel­op­ment, dur­ing which the new inter­face was put to the test, as well as the improved sound engine. It was pos­si­ble to iron out many bugs and rough edges. Respect to all volunteers.

The cur­rent ver­sion is 0.7 and will be avail­able over the next cou­ple of days. There is already a new prod­uct page online with all the details, sound exam­ples and the man­u­al, here.

Posted in Allgemein